I just been doing some thinking and self analysis lately. I guess I gotta fill you in on what I mean. Im a different kind of person, I think different, I act different, even talk different. So I don't understand why it is that it's so hard for other people to feel me and at least attempt to try to look into my world a little deeper than the surface..??
Its hard because I know what it is I want out of my life, I have immediate goals and I have long term goals..but for me, I am at the phase where I'm being tested. God, or whoever tests people, is testing my strength and perseverance to see if I can handle what I dream of. I think thats why its so hard for me at this point to touch what Im reaching after. I can't think of it any other way... Puzzling to me. I know Im meant for greatness, Im DD..theres no Other way.. Over the years, I have my moments where I sit in a room by myself, cut everything off, and I self reflect..((I need to do it soon again)) I reflect on where it is that I currently am, and then where it is I need to go, then what exactly I am doing to get there.... If there is a gap in any of those things..I try to fill the gap. I love life{to death} but I feel at this point that I am on my own. I am alone, but I am not lonely. There is a difference. It sounds like a bad thing, and yes it is saddening at times, but Im trying to head down this path of positivity thanks to a good friend of mine... And iM woRkin haRd, or reaLLy trying to, in order to get past this "SpeeD bumP". Lastly, All that glitters sure is not Effin Gold. Things are not always what they seem. i'LL fiLL u in On my 4 Yr Plan iM GeTTin a Job in FashiOn/EnterTainMent. iM goiin 2 Grad SchooL. iM Moviin To EuRope. iM StaRtin my peRsonaL cLothin CollectiOn (NotHin biG)
Ok so Im watching random videos and one led to another which led to this post...
Lets take it to Harlem.. U remember the "Oh boy" video.. --He said, " you reallly gonna have ur feet by my cereal like that?" lol
Haaa! NY how can we forget, "What means the world to You" Owwwwww!! -- Sampled from Roxxxanne!! (The Police)--Classic--
This next one is No Ny'er butttt this song used to have us hype, dontt frontt! Lol
Yooo tell me this don't take you back to wherever u were at this time.. "Hair Nappy but im happy pocket full o' Dough!"
So not NY again but wateverrrr I love this....
Some honorable mentions of a few of my favv semi-old(not really) rap songs, cuz im not gonna OD... Hi, My name is.... Stan The Next Episode
And many more that I cant think of...Im not a hip hop head, and I didn't include a lot of influential artists songs, so dnt catch a seizure if your fav old school song is not here..I know..I know..
((Ha this song is funny)} psstt Come Ya gYal, Lmao Well My Birthday Week started off wonderfuL.
Began it with some TpAin &&Fam--HiRo Ballroom MonDay Night. GreAt Night. iF u Know mE, You already Know How That WenT Down!
Heres a Pic from The Night!
I brought the bday in wonderfully with those I care About! Went to eat, and lOuNge....Loved iT!!! I Love YaLL. Pics coming soon.!!
Got a zillion calls and texts...Always thankful. Had 3 people sing to Me, Still waiting for #4 and 5 for it to be complete!!
This bday week, I realized something important. We all know that people are unreliable. We all know that people tend to be selfish. And we all know that people ignore people when they dont wanna be bothered. But what III know, is you need to find and keep those reliable people around you, love those unselfish ones...and Move on from those others who dont wanna be bothered.
iM 22, StronG, LoVed, iNdependenT, and CooL as a mother effer && iF you Know me, You Love mE!!! If not, get Over it and Get uP on it AlreAdy!!!
He Won. Barack Obama is the First Black president of the United States of America. Everything else aside, Who would have thought a couple years ago that we would have had a Black President? Very proud that we have made strides in that way.
Now back to reality, Lets support the winner and embrace this "change" everyone speaks of so loosely.
He now has to represent all of America and it is not only about us Black people. Lets be there for him..Lets protest when we need to protest, lets get involved in the political system and now truly try to understand how it is that this system works so that As a nation, we can attempt to make this "Change".
I forsee people getting over this soon and going back to the usual routine of sitting back and complaining about everything we don't have...But Dont! We Cannot!
YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON...PROVE IT LEts Step up as a people and fight the fight those before us fought. Its not up to Obama to change us...We must first change ourselves.
He says, "For those who I have not won their vote..I need your help, I am your President too.."
Black is Beautiful. Being well spoken is a beautiful thing. The ENd.