Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I am going back to school!!
I always wanted to go back but I never got the chance because of so many different reasons.

Story behind this:
Did hair my whole life, good at it...never wanted to purse it as a career because I am set on what I want already...BUT

The other day, I did a shoot for a new agency model...where I was the hairstylist.
I wasn't nervous because I am confident in my abilities, I know my boundaries...but I did it and it came out really nicely. I got to talking to some people....(I always have to network somewhere all by accident..but yet so purposefully HA! Catch me less than 4 years ago and this would be so diff.) and they really inspired me to pursue it further.

As a freelance stylist, I can still be an entrepreneur building my consulting empire while being exposed to the fashion industry from another perspective, of the hairstylist. It is also great $, you just need to be a self motivated, "grinder" which I am when need be, So........

I think I am going to cosmetology school my friends!!
BIG DECISION...hope I do not change my mind again in a week:/

Check out some pics from my hair work in my "Hair Port"

Im humble..Im open to criticism...I have a long way to go...and I'll get there bc I know that.

Thanks to all who are CONSISITENT with the love and support they show. Consistency is so important to me.

Pics for your amusement
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This is so random but I love this muralist, Diego Rivera
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1 comment:

  1. Lovin those pics! Gorg!

    <3 Ladies of EternallyFixated: Everything Celebs/Fashion
