When I got to my location, the line was about a block long. I saw sooo many people from the "HooD" that I haven't seen in ages. It was wonderful! People are really excited about this and its beautiful. This should always be this way..(Civil rights leaders of the past would be proud.}}
Our line, moved amazingly quickly. I was in by 6 out by 7:15.
People were acting like it was a free lunch line. Grown women arguing because they thought someone was going to skip them. [[Like what do you think, the "Obama" option will disappear once you get in? The person who skipped you will take the last Obama vote? LoL CmOn}}
Seniors came out in droves, I love old People as all my friends know, so that was wonderful!!
I voted for the first time, and Im glad I did.
My view on this presidential election and other elections that have occured prior to this, is very different.
I heard too many people saying that "I should vote for Obama if for no other reason than him being a Black man." I also heard, "We need a Democrat in the White House now."
--Sure thats an interesting view on things. But does him being a Black man mean that he is FOR the Black people? Does him being Democratic mean he has everyone's best interests in mind??
**Just some food for thought.**
I keep hearing that Obama is going to do so much for our people, or for people in general. He is going to pass all these laws and the favorite term here is "CHANGE".
Ok change is always a good concept.
But how do you know this? I do know there are those people who have studied the history of politics and have seen and mentally recorded the trends in the past. But honestly speaking, as a whole...
A majority of first time voters, (millions) in this 2008 election are not quite sure what goes into this process of creating this change. The President doesn't just get in office and start calling all the shots...Nor do any of his ideas have to go into action...There is this word process.
Personally I feel as though if Obama does win the most electoral votes, he will have the weight of the world on his shoulders. NOT To MENTION, IF FOR SOME REASON OBAMA DOES NOT WIN THE MOST ELECTORAL VOTES, PEOPLE WILL RIOT!
--Yes, you want him to win..sometimes there are tricks and cheating but overall...the U.S does not stop at NY. There are states who are Predominantly Mcain. Lets hope for the best and continue to support our favorite!!
People from all over will be watching, stalking, his every move, waiting to see him "mess up" or "go against his word". Not to mention those supremacists that are opposed to this whole ideal.
No one is perfect. Since I am always impartial I must say,Mcain is a very experienced man with a background worth investing time to learn about. Past what you see on tv, Biden(Dem VP cand.) and Mcain(Rep. Pres. cand.) were friends before all of this.
Face reality and realize that Barack Obama nor John Mcain will bring you all you hope for. Nor will they be perfect, there are lots of outlets that these political figures extract opinions and advice from in order to make their decisions.
They are human. So please treat them as such.
Reason I voted and am thrilled??
--Blacks did not get the right to vote until the late 1960's, early 1970's realistically.
--Women did not get the right to vote until the 1920's.
I exercised my right.
And im happy that you did as well!! Regardless of who you voted for!!!
May the best candidate prevail!!
And you know I have to conclude with a photo of my "not alive" mentor and a quote, because it's only right.
"My right is My right, Like my Life....You know?? My life is all I have"

((Yes, I did vote for Obama.))
--Regardless, what a beautiful capture of black beauty--

This post is called what it is because I honestly think people were scared NOT to vote Obama. LOL they made it sound like they were gonna kill u if u didn't Omg.
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