(Nooooo00!! say it ain't soo!)
He will surely be missed.
Fashion Trends for the Present--Future. What shall we expect?
*Crisis Fashion that overcomes all obstacles?
*Fashion with protective gear attached?
Or now that the world is apparently convinced we will be rescued from the recessional period,
*Free flowing, Carefree garments constructed into bold statements and shapes?
-I personally want to see some outdated looks brought back to life with a modern twist, maybe?
-Mix time periods together?
Just some random thoughts.
What are you looking forward to seeing my fellow fashion lovers?
I saw the new colors that will be introduced for Summer 2010 and some are pretty bright. Here's one:

Mmm cute. Colorful, My favorite.
Tights was a big hit for 2008. Huge hit.
Every color in the rainbow..From Leather...to Lace.
(Esp. UhA and Tights, lol)
We will def see that again in 2009. I feeeeel it!. (Hopefully there is a change)
Lets take a look at some OUT OF THIS WORLD fashion of the past few years.
Young London designer, Gareth Pugh(I like his creativity..sometimes.)

Collette Dinnigan
(I would def wear this)

Last thing I feel like posting for today...Where does John Galliano's imagination draw a line..Nowhere? GOOD! (Spring 09)

gladiator shoes.. I saw rihanna with a pair that were Fabu.. I hope those stay cuz I haven't found any yet lolz... & scarves.. I went O.D with the scarved but some ppl need to shoot retro or stop tryin cause I've seen way too much disasters with that trend smh (its cool... I like... but some ppl tried too hard)